Pre-Registration is $170, with 1/2 price for spouses, juniors (under 18), & parents. This will close March 28, then the door price will be $190.
We give full refunds to anyone who pre-pays then has to cancel, right up to the day the event starts.
Use the button below for credit cards & paypal
Questions & payment options call Greg 503-559-3853
Weekend registration includes all events on all 3 days:
4 great headliners, 4 lectures, 4 close-up shows, 2 evening shows, and a panel discussion. Also magic dealers, a contest, and a weekend of camaraderie at the NW's largest gathering of magicians!
Admission to the Fri & Sat evening MASTERS OF MAGIC shows are included with your weekend registration. Each night's show is completely different! There's a link above where the general public can purchase evening show tickets.
The buck stops with the Organizer:
Greg Moreland (503) 559-3853 (anytime)
Learn more about Greg
Get event updates:
- Join our announcement list at the bottom of this page. (We only email 7 or 8 times/year with important PMJ info.)
Roomsharing: To find someone to share the cost of a hotel room, email Jay Frasier.
- Washingtonians contact Evan Shuster.
- Oregonians contact Jay Frasier.
- Idahoans & Utahns contact Dan Geddes.