Sometimes we talk the headliners into offering extra-fee workshops on Sunday. (We keep them pretty busy during the weekend, so this is always a longshot.) There's usually a minimum & maximum # of signups. You can email to sign up in advance, &/or put your name on the list at the registration table.
Some details can be fluid so be sure to check with the registration table during the convention.
Erik will be offering a workshop on the Stripper Deck on Sunday.
It'll start at 1:15. (Anyone also entering the contest will be allowed to perform first, in order to attend both events.)
Jon's workshop will start at 3:45pm on Sunday, after Erik's is finished.
Taking your close up to stage journey will be the focus of this workshop, not full of theory or pipedreams but real practical ways to take the close up you already do and move it to the stage. Exclusive to the workshop material will be taught with full included notes.